Sunday oct 6th at Henie Onstad Art Centre outside Oslo.
”Music by the great Arne Nordheim. Fem Kryptofonier, together with Cikada Duo.
Fem Kryptofonier was commissioned by Cikada Duo and premiered in Culture Jakob in 2001 together with Hilde Torgersen. Whenthe notes were delivered to the musicians, the work was unfinished and Nordheim’s ideas were further developed in dialogue withCikada Duo through workshop-like samples. The texts are taken from the Greek poet Arkhilokhos, who lived 600 BC. Arkhilokhos iswell known for his lush language and is one of the earliest known Greek authors who chose the theme from his own feelings and experiences. The only thing that today is preserved by Arkhilokhos texts are fragments of poems. The work is sung in ancient Greekas it was composed for the premiere.”