Mythical and historical women presented through a kaleidoscope of voices, instruments, electronics and video.
A large female family album: Marilyn Monroe, Ofelia, Leni Riefenstahl, Valerie Solanas, Magda Goebbles… These are only some of the women we encounter in this brand new musical drama by Norwegian composer Erik Dæhlin.
In a pitch-black stage room, these characters become visible as musical and visual flashes, single images, shadows and contorted shapes. The music ranges from the distant to the intimate, from light brushes of baroque music to modern electronica.
Desiring Machines has been performed at: Bergen International festival (2013), Brageteatret/Drammen and Dramatikkens hus/Oslo (2013), Atalante/Gothenburg (2014)
A classical soprano/lute duo with a twist…
We aim to find our sound, more than doing something new, avant-garde or just historically correct. Authenticity is important, but we are, more than anything else, musicians of today and there are many ways to be authentic. We have released two albums ”Love Songs re-spelled” and ”Sound, sweet Airs and the Art of Longing” Both on LAWO
Our lovely duo becomes a wonderful trio in the company of amazing musician Poul Høxbro, on flutes and percussion. With our hearts open we look for new musical adventures in Scandinavia and on the British Isles. We just released a new album ”Sounds, sweet airs and the art of longing” (LAWO classics)
An exceptionally cool and nice duo playing contemporary music for soprano, piano and Indian harmonium. Georg Friederich Haas, Tansy Davies, Ragnihild Berstad, Bob Dylan… What’s not to like? We have performed at Ultima festival (Oslo), Transit festival (Leuven), Sound of Stockholm, November music (den Bosch) and lots of other places.
Vollen United
…and with violin. The amazing duo becomes an amazing trio with the superb Karin Hellqvist. Many commissions coming up. F.ex Malin Bång, Martin Rane Bauck and Ylva Lund Bergner

Sometimes four musicians are just the right number, even if it’s not the correct one. Sometimes the odd size is the most comfortable size. Odd Size is a small group of musicians from Utomjordiska. Elisabeth Holmertz-soprano; Per Buhre- baroque violin/countertenor; Ingrid Andersson- Baroque cello; Fredrik Bock- baroque guitar.
Opera for babies? Yes, but this magical show created by Hanne Dieserud and Christina Lindgren, with music and sounds by Maja Ratkjte, is poetry for everyone.
”The audience are coaxed by noise into a shell-shaped tent in the Opera’s foyer, where two performers with specially designed instruments create music and song. The instruments resemble sea creatures; there are weird creatures such as the sea horse harp, bagpipe creature, glass chime jellyfish and double creature flute. Perhaps we are somewhere below the surface in the Arctic Ocean? There are creatures here we know very little about.”
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